Winters Joint Union High School

Winters, California, Historic Resources Evaluation [HRE] and Initial Study (2017)

Winters Joint Union High School in the town of Winters, California, was completed in 1949 in a Mid-Century Modern architectural style, with free-standing Modern additions completed in 1968 and 1996. The campus is proposed to undergo a major renovation and expansion effort as part of a local bond measure to accommodate a growing student body. The proposed project would renovate the 1949-era main school building while demolishing other free-standing buildings to accommodate new facilities for students and faculty. Brewster Historic Preservation was hired to survey and evaluate the high school to determine whether any individual building or the campus as a whole would meet CRHR criteria 1-4. After extensive research at local archives and a pedestrian survey, Mr. Brewster evaluated all buildings and structures on the campus, and recorded them on State Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) Forms 523 A and B. Brewster Historic Preservation also reviewed the historic resources section of the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) prepared under CEQA, and the DPR form was attached to the IS/MND as a technical study.

Work on the DPR forms and Initial Study section was begun in mid-August 2017, and was completed by early September 2017